Legal Resources for LGBTQQIA+
Do you need legal resources that understand the needs of the LGBTQQIA+ community? Check out these options:
Name & documentation changes
Procedure for Name Change in CT
Connecticut residents may apply to the Probate Court or the Superior Court for a change of name, or to resolve inconsistencies in identification documents. The link below provides information about where to file, access to forms, details about the $250 payment, and hearing information.
Gender Designation on License/ID in CT
Are you looking to change your gender designation on a license or identification card in Connecticut? Download and complete this form for information about the procedure and required paperwork. Options include: female, male, and non-binary. Must be 18+ or have parental consent. No signature required by mental health professionals.
Family: Adoption, divorce, & end-of-life planning
CT Aging & Disability Services: LGBT Resources for Older Adults
This site contains state-based and federal resources for LGBT Aging adults, including: community centers; support groups; legal support; advocacy; community living resources; research & information; and a guide to finding LGBT affirming care services as you age.
Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition
The mission of the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC) is to make Connecticut a safe and tolerant place for the trans and gender non-conforming individual through education and social advocacy. CTAC is a coalition and grassroots oriented organization comprising of individuals and organizations dedicated to the advancement and attainment of full Human Rights for all trans and gender non-conforming people in every aspect of society and actively oppose discriminatory acts.
Other types of law